Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who captured these amazing pictures on safari in Kenya's Masai Mara in October last year, said he was astounded by what he saw:
“These three brothers have been living together since they left their mother at about 18 months old,' he said. 'On the morning we saw them, they seemed not to be hungry, walking quickly but stopping sometimes to play together. 'At one point, they met a group of impala who ran away. But one youngster was not quick enough and the brothers caught it easily'”.
These extraordinary scenes followed, as the cheetahs played with the young impala the way a domestic cat might play with a ball of string. The impala escaped unharmed…

Då skall vargen bo med lammet,
pantern ligga vid killingens sida.
Kalv och lejon går i bet
och en liten pojke vallar dem.
Kon och björnen betar tillsammans,
deras ungar ligger sida vid sida.
Lejonet äter hö som oxen.
Spädbarnet leker vid ormens håla,
ett barn sticker handen i kobrans bo.
Ingenstans på mitt heliga berg
skall ske något ont eller vrångt,
ty kunskap om Herren skall uppfylla landet,
liksom havet är fyllt av vatten.
Jesaja 11:6-9
Trevliga tre bröder. De måste vara gay!
fantastic Anders!!!!! So glad that you could use it and put it so beautifully biblically in context
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