Tuesday 2 July 2013

Changed login

I got e-mail from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. I think it was on 27 June. The message was simple. Everyone had to change her or his login. I tried but failed and sent an e-mail to the ICS support. I had read  the message that it had to be done before 1 July but I didn't understand the implications. When I tried to open my e-mail yesterday I realised that the ICS support might have answered me on the 28 or 29 June. Since we live in our cottage – without internet – I hadn’t checked. And now I could not open my e-mail account. The old password didn't work.

Not good. I have told the students that I will read my mail from time to time. How about if one of them needs to comunicate with me?

But fortunately I found an e-mail address on the website and sent a message from my Swedish account and got answer very soon. With instructions how to solve the problem. And it worked!

After having sent a message, thanking the ICS support, I got this nice and polite answer:
My pleasure Sir, sorry for any inconvenience caused,
Have a great day

It really made my day!

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