Monday 25 November 2013

Sunday Service in Eastwood

As often as we can, we attend church in Eastwood. That is our congregation. Today together with good friends from Sweden and the United States. This particular Sunday’s name, in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Southern Africa is:
Christ the King.
In the Church of Sweden we still name the Sunday: Judgment Sunday. In Eastwood it was a joyful service. Lots of singing and the bible readings supported the theme. The Gospel was taken from Luke 23 about Jesus and the criminals who also were crucified. One of them asks Jesus to remember him and Jesus answers:
I promise you that today you will be in paradise with me.

The preacher this Sunday was Mrs Prince, a lay member who preaches from time to time. I especially liked the way she linked this Sunday to the upcoming festive season. She said that we have to remember that incarnation, that Jesus was born as a human being, is linked to salvation, that Jesus had to die on a cross. When she spoke about that I looked at the altar and saw the altar cloth which actually combines these two things: the Star of Bethlehem and the crown of thorns.

But most of all I liked the singing!

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