Monday 29 August 2022

First day of the Pre-Assembly

Today the Pre-Assemblies started. At 7.30 I was present at Konzert Haus where WCC staff already had started to prepare for the day. The programme started with morning devotion at 8.30 and the two first hours we were together – all four preassemblies:

A Just Community of Women and Men Pre-Assembly

Ecumenical Youth Gathering

Ecumenical Disabilities Advocates Network Pre-Assembly

Indigenous Peoples Pre-Assembly

It was a moving experience to participate in the devotion. Let me give one example. The text that was read was from John 6. When Jesus multiplies two fish and five loaves of bread. Representatives from all four Pre-Assemblies shared their perspectives on the text. A woman pointed out that it was a woman that had prepared the food, that the boy brought to Jesus. So, the person who made food available isn’t even mentioned in the text. That is really an eyeopener.

At 10.30 we continued in separate venues. We heard a number of short testimonies under the heading: visiting our wounds. I also contributed by giving some examples from the MeToo-movement in Sweden. After that other speakers were talking about mega-trends, like Covid. I was also part of the moderating team this morning. Bishop Rose-Marie Wenner, Ms Maha Milki (and Rev. Damon Mkandawire who is not in the photo) and I have formed the scheduling team. 

After lunch we had a two-hour interactive Bible Study, reading Acts 8:26-39 about Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. Again, one woman pointed out that one person in the text often is forgotten. The Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. A powerful and rich African dignitary.

We were also visited by the Moderator of the World Council of Churches, Dr Agnes Aboum. She reinforced the need for gender justice and said that her daughter and granddaughter are having more challenges then she and her mother had. Sad to hear but maybe she is right.

One of the learnings from this day is that violence against women and girls (and men) are becoming worse. Covid didn’t make things better. Wars always mean an increase in rapes. As an ambassador of the Thursdays in Black campaign I will return from this Pre-Assembly and Assembly with fighting spirit. We can do better. I want my grandchildren to grow up in safety.

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