Friday 4 January 2013

Almost on the eve of departure

A new look. Thanks to my youngest daughter, Lerato. It’s time to face the future and focus on new challenges. Today, Friday, we are still at the cottage together with three of our five children. Four magazines, one radio channel and one TV-station have either already made interviews with us or have planned to do so.

On Sunday the Bishop of Växjö, the Right Reverend Jan-Olof Johansson, will come to Kalmar Cathedral and commission us. Eva Olsson, who works at the Church of Sweden Head Office, will represent the National level and the Parishes of Ålem, Kalmar Cathedral and St. Birgitta will sing and praise together . Already can I sense a strong support and it makes me humble.

Monday means packing and having lunch with the in-laws. Tuesday morning we will depart from Kalmar and Wednesday from Stockholm, Arlanda. God willingly we will arrive in South Africa Thursday morning and with a rental car we’ll travel the last part of our journey to the goal: Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

We know that a house is waiting for us and we have some ideas about what our duties will be. But most of our future is, as always, unknown, which is fine. It becomes a lesson in trust. The gospel of Christmas is echoing: Immanuel – God with Us.


  1. Beautiful photo - Sweden or South Africa?
    Blessings for tomorrow and the future!

  2. Jag som trodde de inledande raderna betydde att Matilda hjälpt dig raka av skägget. Snopen! :-)

  3. Elisabet: kortet är med stor sannolikhet från Signal Hill i Kapstaden. Som Matilda tagit, så klart.
    Råg-Rut: Skägget rakar jag själv! (Men håret brukar Kristina fixa. Med samma rakapparat!)

  4. Tänkte väl det, men säker kan man ju inte vara. Bergssluttningen till vänster gjorde att det knappast kunde vara Kalmarsund. Själv har jag bara varit på Signal Hill i kvällsmörker :-)
